Me 'n' you's like a Moon Pie with a RC cold drank. We go together like a skunk goes with stank.
Twenty five years ago on this very day we were just two young people facing a new life together. We were full of wishes for the future and blessed with parents to guide us and be our safety net. Today our hair is more gray than my Dad's in this picture, and now we are each other's safety net. So we'll just embrace the next 25 years holding closer to each other than ever.
The man who married us preached that we were witnessing a miracle. He said somehow God had ordained long before we were born that we would be together in a holy marriage, and June 12, 1982, was our miracle. I am truly honored that Tom chose me to be his bride and continues to chose me to be his companion. Thank you Tom . . . for being my miracle! Happy Silver Anniversary. Love, Linny