Pillow says . . .
I like this place. That nice Grandpa Tom bought me some cool toys. He bought some things for that big red dog, too. That Mailey dog thinks she's the boss of me. That's okay, I think I'm cuter. Granny Mac's house is so full of fun places to explore, but I just gotta sit for a second.
Okay, maybe I'll just lay my head down for a minute. But just for a minute. Then I gotta chase Mailey's tail some more.
Oops, this left eye is getting a little heavy.
Oooo, now they're both getting so heavy.
Must . . . chase . . . Mailey . . .
Guess I'll just dream about chasing Mailey. She won't mind.
Yep, you guessed it. No new stamping projects today. We're just enjoying Caitlin's puppy so much. Wait till you see the video I took with the new Flip camera my Ben gave me! Oh, it's dangerous - me with a new puppy and a new camera. Don't say I didn't warn you . . .