If A is a success in life,
then A equals x plus y plus z.
Work is x; y is play;
and z is keeping your mouth shut.
- Albert Einstein
What a genius that Mr. Einstein was!
I've been working a little too much, playing a little too little, but, at least where the Catered Crop blog is concerned, I've definitely been quiet. I don't think that's what Mr. Einstein had in mind, though.
I've been busy gallivanting around Central Texas inspecting nursing homes. May and June were just brutal. But, I brought my trusty lap top with me and I've been working on my new blog site. It still needs a little behind-the-scenes work, but I'm finally ready to share it with you. Please go check it out and let me know what you think. It's at http://cateredcrop.com.
I'll still be posting to this site and the new site for a while, but if you subscribe through a reader or e-mail, please be sure to subscribe to the new site.
Ooo, and I've been remodeling my craft room during the few days I've been home, so I'm anxious to show that to you. Hang with me . . . it's coming.