You all have to be the most patient readers in the web sphere. Last weekend was a whirlwind of activity with our stamp camp. It was a total blast, but I crashed afterward. Then my job took me to Llano, Texas. I love that quirky little town. But, I haven't forgotten that way back on February 10 I shared pictures of a stationery box/card organizer made with the Sunshine Garden Simply Stampin' kit. My pictures were rushed because I had to loan out the box quickly to some friends. I promised you better pictures. Well, at long last, here they are.
I freakin' love this box. It doesn't even use half the contents of the Simply Scrappin' kit and it's a breeze to put together. Here's the outside again.
The little box only measures 6" wide by 5" tall and 2" deep, but look what's packed inside.
Isn't that picture better? No dust on the piano at least.
And, because I am so impressed with myself for coming up with the idea of using the faux bulletin board out of cork shelf paper, here's another picture looking straight down. By the way, a friend told me you can find these adhesive-backed cork shelf liners at your neighborhood Home Depot.
You can still find the pictures of the mini cards, full size cards and gift tags at the February 10 post. And, for being so wonderfully patient, I've updated the recipe with all the materials and details of what size to cut the papers. You can download a pdf file with all the details here. You will still want to refer to Dannie Graves and Jackie Topa's sites for the instructions to make the skeleton of the box.